Tuesday 28 December 2010

Missed Opportunities

What If I died on new years eve. Would I be missed? How would I be remembered. I decided to make a video showing my life as if I had died on new years eve. I wonder how accurate it is. Who would turn up to my funeral to watch the video. Would anyone cry? Would anyone say a few words? These and many more questions go through my head every minute of every day.

Here is the video.

Monday 27 December 2010

Christmas Time

Christmas for me lasts a few days.

Christmas day: This is spent with my mum, little brother, little sister, Nonna (nan in Italian) and mum's boyfriend. As my little brother and sister are very young, 7 and 9, they still believe in Santa. So when they wake up, ridiculously early, they begin to open their gifts. Once I wake up we open the gift for the family from Santa. This year we got 'Monopoly Revolution' This caused arguments later when we got around to playing it. After we opened the presents, the television went straight on. Around 3 we ate. We had lamb, Capon (A large Chicken), potatoes, carrots, peas, green beans and stuffing. May not sound a lot but we had a lot on the plate. After dinner, we watched TV. Doctor who, east enders and the usual Christmas films that come on television. Then began the fights over Monopoly.

Boxing day: This is spent with my Dad at my cousin's house, but first my Dad, his partner, my little brother and little sister came over. We did the whole gift exchange and my siblings all played with each other. After we drove to my Granddad's house to collect him then off to my cousin's. There we spent the day with my two cousin's, Bradley and Brooke, my auntie and uncle, Karen and Scott, my granddad, my dad, little brother, Jack, little sister, Jessica-Jane or Jessie, and my extended family. I call them family even though there is no blood relation. I will try and explain the connections. My uncle's cousins, Georgia and Toni, Toni's fiance, James, uncle's auntie and her husband, Kim and Tony, uncle's parents, Mary and Robbie, uncle's grandmother (I think) Mary. They have always treated me like family as my and Bradley, my cousin, are basically same age. He is only 12 days older. After dinner and the day spent watching Sky sports news and then Spurs winning, to the delight of James and disappointment to everyone else. Then we went to Barbera's house. She is the sister of Mary, who is my uncle's mum. The rest of the people at the party are 'Family' but there is no way in hell I could explain the connection. The whole night is spent with the adults drinking, the kids on the karaoke then the adults begin to get drunk and push the kids off of it. So naturally, I had a go at the karaoke a few times (for 2 hours). After my uncle dropped me off back to my mum's and I went to bed. I spent the next few hours on BBM to Catarina (as she finally got it working) and Mollie (who was still at the party with aching feet)

I am not a big Christmas person. I don't like the gifts or the excess food we have to eat but I do enjoy the family aspect. Without them, I would be nothing.

Thursday 23 December 2010

London Through My Eyes

This is the Great city of London through my eyes. 
I have lived here since I was born

Monday 20 December 2010

Bradley. Robinson.

My cousin Bradley is only 12 days older than me. 

For the past 17 years we have been more like brothers then cousins. 
I feel privileged to have experienced such a strong and powerful relationship.

Thursday 2 December 2010

My Beginning

This is where it all began for me. Blonde hair and blue eyes. Born Wednesday 20th October 1993. To parents Miranda Di Pino and Alan Forino. Named Giordano Di Pino-Forino.